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Showing posts from December, 2020

What is a fuss with followers and unfollowers?

A big manifestation of ego in social media is visible through the option follow. Everyone wants fans, a big community, someone who will admire them, buy their stuff, and obey orders. What would celebrities in old times say about this mess? Ava Gardner, Marylin Monroe, Brigitte Bardot did not need social media, they were adored and followed by fans. Today, every plastic girl with a duck face thinks she is a star. Every guy who has naked photos and muscles expects women are slaves who will obey him. As everyone who wants to upgrade online business, in my case books, I need followers. I follow many people, but I will unfollow them if they bother me in private. That is my basic rule if I don't know you if I never talked to you before, and you insist to bother me, I will block you. In other ways, I don't think that I am better than anyone else. I am not a star and I am not pretentious.  This is how some women and men think, they will follow a bunch of people and when they reach a bi

Bookshelves : we have more authors than readers?

I am scrolling through social media and notice many indie authors on Tik Tok, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. When you ask people are they reading books, many will say without shame they don't read. In the age of technological progress, people are so busy that they have no time to read. Hear and see, those actions have an advantage over reading. Tik Tok is based popularity on videos and teenagers will brag they don't read. If they read, they wish to read about how to make money or get famous. I made a poll on Tik Tok, 70% of people said they don't read indie authors. Based on the teenager's pattern, they probably think about how reading is a waste of time.  This makes my next question : Why write and who will read? First, you must reject the old stereotype of how the author is an old man with glasses or authoress is an old lady who is boring and not pretty.  Nowadays, authors use social media, and technology and they look great. More than ever, your appearance is impo

How I got an award for my book "The Seller of Sins"

  My book "The Seller of Sins" got a silver badge in the content of TCK Publishing, with 170 votes. Thanks to my followers and friends who voted for me, I got second place in the category of general fiction. My book is a mix of drama and erotica, filled with sarcasm. I wanted to write an unusual book about marriage that struggles with routine, misunderstanding, and dealbreakers.  Filip and Karolina are not a usual couple, they have different plans and they look in different directions, but they are staying together as long as there is a chance to make a progress. After some reviews, I decided to write a sequel, to polish my characters because some readers said the end was rushing.  My cover gave a hint, the background is tragedies, depression, and the impossibility to deal with life. What comes next, you will find out in February 2021.