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How to deal with writer's block?

If you are a writer, you know what I am talking about. Some days you have an invisible obstacle in your mind, feels like a frozen stick inside and you don't know how to start. What to write and how to get out from the blockade? Writer's block could manifest in various forms: You can't start the book. You are stuck in the middle of the book. You don't know how to end the book. You are repeating yourself, this idea is already written.  How do I deal with writer's block? I use my memories from real life. I can't mistake it there, my life already told the story. I read books. I will not copy anyone, but others' books can develop the seed of an idea.  I take a break. Going out in the fresh air helps. You might meet someone who will inspire you. What motivates me?  My best writing period happens when I got angry. My words are flowing then, like someone talking to me about exactly what I should write.  Critics are the wind in my back. Let me show to assholes what I