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Showing posts from July, 2024

Audio version: The curse of Dark sunrise

You can listen to chapter by chapter of my horror novel every Monday on YouTube.  The curse of Dark sunrise is dark, mysterious insight of life in the cult.

Which are elements of inspiration?

The process of writing a book is often perceived as simple at first glance. All one needs is a computer and a comfortable seat, and with some free time, the writing can begin. However, once you actually sit down to write, it becomes evident that it is not as easy as it seemed. Are you in the midst of writing a story? Do you sometimes struggle with how the story will conclude, or find it difficult to recall details after a hiatus from writing? It's not uncommon to experience a lapse in memory regarding the details of the plot or the names of characters after a break from writing. The story might slip from your mind, requiring a return to the basics in order to recapture its essence. To find inspiration and connect with your creative muse, there are several elements in play: A Strong Emotion : Whether it's fascination, anger, rage, or sadness, the moment when you feel compelled to express something is when you know you are ready to write. When an intense emotion driv