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Showing posts with the label promotion

Is there any use of Goodreads?

Every author needs a review. We all know how hard is to find readers who will buy and review your books. Mostly, people expect an ARC copy for free to review your book. We have 3 groups of readers: They take a free book, and never review it. They take a free book and review it on Goodreads or Bookbub or a blog. They buy the book and leave Amazon reviews. As every author is dreaming about Amazon reviews, many will get disappointed and try to get satisfaction in Goodreads. Goodreads is a minefield. There is a big mess that needs admins and bans. Everyone can create a page and leave a one-star review on your book, just to underestimate authors. Some people go even so far as to ask for money for their reviews or blackmail you to rate you with one star if you don't pay them. If you are a Goodreads member, you can notice the "currently reading " option. You can hope someone is reading your book.  Well, about 10 people will mark your book as "to read" or "currentl

Invest in your business, but avoid scammers

If you have a small business, you should invest in it. Nothing is for free, and the flower will not grow from the invisible seed.  This is the area I am still learning about. Where to promote your books and how much pay for them? Let's start with free services. If you ask a friend to review your book, he will do it, but is it objective? The more important question is, do you owe him a service for this? When you argue with a friend, will he delete his review and try to sabotage your work? Don't shit where you eat, so it is not smart to involve emotions in business. You never know if your friend really likes a book or it is just a friendship benefit. While you are still thinking about promoting your books, scammers will surround you like parasites and sharks. I have this problem daily. Different services and admins of promotional pages come to my social media and emails to offer their services and guarantee success for me. I have a common answer for all of them: If you were succe

How to (not) promote yourself?

I know that many people wish to get success online. It doesn’t matter if you are a blogger, author, musician, or motivational speaker, you want to promote yourself, get noticed by many people, and sell your work. It fills the path to success with thorns. People might ignore you, mock you, laugh at you, but you hold ahead up and mind your business. I know many successful people were victims of bullies and abuse and they got used to the bad treatment. The point is, you wish that people get you serious. I am not famous, but I met many arrogant people who think they are celebrities and they wish that others crawl when they appear. Here I am talking about mistakes that arrogant people do when they promote themselves. I got the next message. “ Hello, I am an author and I need likes on my page. You might like my book and your friends should like it too. Maybe you purchase it.”  So, this is a manifestation of egoism and narcissism, without asking how he can help me, and what h