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Audio version: The curse of Dark sunrise

You can listen to chapter by chapter of my horror novel every Monday on YouTube.  The curse of Dark sunrise is dark, mysterious insight of life in the cult.

Which are elements of inspiration?

The process of writing a book is often perceived as simple at first glance. All one needs is a computer and a comfortable seat, and with some free time, the writing can begin. However, once you actually sit down to write, it becomes evident that it is not as easy as it seemed. Are you in the midst of writing a story? Do you sometimes struggle with how the story will conclude, or find it difficult to recall details after a hiatus from writing? It's not uncommon to experience a lapse in memory regarding the details of the plot or the names of characters after a break from writing. The story might slip from your mind, requiring a return to the basics in order to recapture its essence. To find inspiration and connect with your creative muse, there are several elements in play: A Strong Emotion : Whether it's fascination, anger, rage, or sadness, the moment when you feel compelled to express something is when you know you are ready to write. When an intense emotion driv

6 signs that your readers don't read your book

Your book is live. That day came, and now you need an audience, a reader's community to show interest. What you need are readers who will read and review your book. The author feel excited like a student who went to the exam and waits for his mark. In this situation, you are not afraid of negative reviews. What is the point? Sometimes, your readers are not reading your book. They pretend they read, instead of this they are scrolling pages and write reviews, thinking they are doing a favor. A real reader will need time to read book. It is not fast eating and swallowing, there is much more in reading books. It demands your time, focus and attention, also understanding. That is why I read 20-30 books per year, I can't do more. A book review can talk much about reader. If the review is short, it could be a sign that a book is not read. Maybe I am wrong, maybe a reader did not enjoy so he left only a note. How to know your book is not read? There are no sign of reading pages in your

Why to hire professionals when you publish a book?

Indie authors have a small budget. If you are indie, it means you probably have a regular work. That pays your bills, and you will be careful how to spend money on your book release. You have no agent , it means all work is on you. What you need is money for editor, cover creator and formatting book. Then you need money for advertisement and promotion for your book. If you want your paperback, you will buy it from Amazon, with your money. Considering all this, many indie authors ask for a cheaper choice or free options.  Here are mistakes what they do: Doing own covers with a help of Kindle creator . They will pick up patterns from Kindle or free pages and make own covers. It is not a good move because many readers are picky and choose book captured by the cover. If your cover looks amateurish, your book will not sell as you wish. Editing books by their own . Unless you are professional editor, it will not work out well. Editing by Grammarly or other similar pages will fix basic mistak

My new horror novel

A horror suspense is my favorite genre. This Friday is my new book release by Red Cape Publishing, a British publisher. It is a story about Alex, a woman who has a brain tumor.  Committing a crime, she will escape and hide in Cornwall.  Meeting a rich businessman, she got an opportunity to change her life.  A generous offer has a price. Alex has only one choice, to be the hunter or the prey.

Authors: we are competitors if we don't respect each other

Many times you will hear in social media about how indie authors are supportive to each other. This is only partly true and behind that statement is a false background. As an author, I have many followers in social media, but my interaction is not big. If I post a personal photo I will get some likes, less likes for my book covers and even less for my review notifications or book blurbs. Sometimes, when someone follows me, I got a personal message to support that person. This message is in the form "vote for me", or "can you review my book." Such people don't even read about me section to see that I am author who needs readers. Sometimes, authors are rude to each other. Once author asked me in public can I read his books. When I said I am busy he called me an arrogant person.  It is not rarity that authors offer their editing services when they hear on how I am not a native English speaker.  So, if you are doing all the things above, you consider me as your comp

My most popular book

Did you read my contemporary romance and mystery? The blurb: Karolina and Filip are a childless couple in a marriage full of daily conflicts and frustrations. Karolina eases her loneliness in a fantasy world of internet chat rooms with strangers while Filip remains blind to her pain. Filip wonders if any of the cyberspace connections Karolina finds mean actual betrayal or could something totally different be going on? His search for answers leads him on an unconventional life-altering journey that includes the mysterious Blanka, an obsessive woman addicted to love.   If you still did not check my book series, do it now. T he reviewer said: The Seller of Sins is one of those books that draws you in from the very beginning and doesn't ever let you go. It has been a few days since I finished the book but I am still thinking abou