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Should female authors use their photos as a promotional tool?

When you buy the book, you will want to know something about the author. Shiny covers and good blurb are not the only things that attract readers. Do you wish to know who is the author? If the author is a beautiful woman, would you buy her book? I am an Instagram user. Always careful with my photos, I watch what I will post. One of my photos was in a swimsuit, and it got 81 likes. Well done :) I would not go far with exposing myself, more I love to show my mood or to represent my book selfies. Scrolling around, I saw a female author exposing her naked breasts. A brave act, but I would not follow this. I don't care about competition, but it attracts attention in the wrong places. So I looked at the comments below. "Wow, sexy lady. " "Can you show me more?" Most comments were from trolls or guys who are hungry for sex. I did not see anyone of them asking for a book. They probably did not read a single book in their lives. Using sexy photos as a promotional tool is

6 kinds of negative reviews

When your book is published, the next step you wait for is the review. You can publish the best book in this world, but it doesn't prevent readers to post negative reviews. Opinions are like asses, everyone has them, so we need to respect the right of readers to expose their impressions. This time I talk about negative reviews 1 or 2 stars, and some 3 stars reviews, I love to say "educative". 1-star rating without review . Those are the worst. You don't know if is this a troll, someone to get revenge on you because you did not pay attention on social media, or someone who loves to criticize indie authors in general. 1-star rating with plain words like "meh, really bad. " A short, childish expression about your book that doesn't explain the reason why. 1-star rating on your few books at the same time . This is personal, let's go take her from the throne. 2-star or 1-star rating about formatting, and editing issues. Sometimes it is really hard to und

Why I changed a book title?

  In 2018, I published a book by the name "Seduce her with a fist." It is a short story based on a real event. A girl, Valentina remembers her old crush when she scrolls on internet profiles. Going back to the past, she remembers how he injured her. When I first time put a link for this book, some readers thought it is an erotic novel about fisting. Some rejected to read this, because of vulgar insinuation.  After I could not use Amazon ads because of this title, I decided to break this confusion and change the title. The message of this book is not to promote erotica, abuse, or violence. That is a book for all women who like hooligans.  Petar, the main character of this book is a football supporter who lost his teeth in a fight. He is using women for sex activities. Valentina saw something bigger in his personality and wanted to change him. The book is available at this link.

Authors: where to share your book links?

Visibility is a big element of selling books. There is confusion between authors when it comes time to share their work. Book links should be transferred to reach the sale, but where? How to reach invisibility without becoming a spammer?  Have in your mind that not every person is the same when you want to notify your followers on social media about your new release. I am allergic to people who contact me in my email or inbox if I have never talked to them before. It is equal to Jehova's witness ringing on your door and trying to pursue your support or make you join them. If you contact a person privately, you need to know this: Say hello and introduce yourself. Ask the person if he or she is reviewing books. If you get an answer NO, don't continue the conversation. If you get an answer YES, ask politely can she or he read your book. It is possible you will get a positive answer, but you will never receive your review. Be aware that many people who are reading books have a huge

You can't learn how to write books

A few times I got a request to show someone how to write books. I should explain to someone the writing process, but without a fee. It should be voluntary work to inform someone how to write a book. The Internet is full of selfish people. Even if someone tries to hide their personality, it will pop up with their actions. Do you expect something from strangers, not offering anything to return? The root of writing is inspiration. There is no pattern in how to write. This is a feeling you wear inside, and an inside voice that leads you to throw words on the paper. You must understand the difference between the desire to write and the ability to write. Some will attend workshops or pay money to learn the basics of writing, but writing without passion is like a song without music. Hemingway had a lot of typing errors but his work was a masterpiece.  Today is a problem that everyone thinks he can write a bestseller. A successful writer is one who has reached the audience. The Internet will o

I am a pantser - read my stories

When you are reading a book, you will wonder how the story develops. Did the author know from the start how the story will look alike? Two types of authors who writing stories: Plotters - they know how the will story looks from the start to the end Pantsers - they are spontaneous and have ideas, but they don't know how will story develop and what will be the end I am the second type. Writing a new book for next year, I have 6.500 words and shaped characters, but I don't know many things. I don't know the end, what will be the plot, or whether will there be new characters and surprises are possible. I am walking on the street and suddenly new ideas come to my mind, and then I am writing a draft, a reminder of what I will write next. It happens I am deleting some sentences when I see a logical error, and some things are not matching. Sometimes I am in a trap, there is a void in my story. When the bulb turns on, I know how to get out of it.  All my books are written in this wa

Authors: how to react to ignorance and rejection?

Every author needs a reader's circle that stays. It means loyal readers who will follow you and read every new book.  It is not always the case, especially with indie authors. It happens that someone read your two or three books and there it stops. It happened to me also, I did not hear a word from some people for a long time.  Readers are swamped with a bunch of books. They are like kids in a candy store, the offer is too big. If you want to keep the reader's attention, you must be the best. What happens if a reader rejects you? How to react? To keep a reader, you must give them some benefits. Offer them a discount or ARC copy. Show gratitude. If a reader rejects you for any reason, back off. Accept it as it is. Find a new market. Being ignored is not the end of the world. Still, you have many options to research, and instead of staying on the same point, you have a space for new people.  After some people rejected me I focused on new ones and did not regret it. I learned also