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How to overcome the fear of the public?

Imagine you must represent your work in public. Thousand people stare at you and watch your every move. Suddenly, phobia made power, and you freeze in the place. Your voice is trembling, your body is shaking and now you have a panic attack.

Now it is getting worse. You will see mocking in their faces, you will hear laughter and insults. This is not a movie, this is something that happens to you.

Spending years fighting the fear of public appearance, I learned some tricks to relax.

Focus. Remember what is your primary purpose, why you come here.

Practice. Have a public appearance when you get the opportunity. It means workdays, seminars, and interviews. 

Choose a small step. Zoom that happens in your room is a good intro. If you can't stand up in front of hundred people, you can open a camera in your room. 

Remember, ignorance prevails. Many people who come to listen to you are not listening. They just want to be anywhere to kill their boredom.

Pick your role models. Some people know how to represent themselves, and you can learn from them.

Pay attention to your physical appearance. People are shallow, so do your best for your outside look. Put on your makeup, the best clothes, people might forgive your phobia of public appearance.

Talk short, don't lose yourself in repeating, and focus on important things.

Don't let fear win. When fear wins, your aims are forgotten. Your plans are destroyed, and regret bites you inside. 


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