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Why every author should plan his trip alone?


I saw a post from the author who has a small number of followers. He complaint how big account ignored him, instead of helping with his promotion.

There are lot of author's communities to help with book visibility, but forcing people to support you is a wrong move.

If you see authors with big accounts, have in your mind that there are hours, months and years of collecting followers. Using paid advertising, promo pages, exchanging messages with others and solving unpleasant situations with trolls demands a lot of time.

If you have a regular job, and mostly indie authors do, pressure is even bigger.

After all this, you should connect some beginner with your account?

Here are lot of reasons why every author should plan his trip alone. You can ask for a support later.

  1. Every author is different, based on genre, style and abilities. Some are introverted and social selective and not everyone will join you.
  2. Authors progress differently. Some will give up on the start, others will show patience and persistence.
  3. If you are not ready to invest money, this business is not for you.
  4. If you have weak nerves, you can't have a big support. Some accounts are abussive, fake and not good mannered, so you should be ready for negative reactions on your posts.
  5. What is good for one author, is not a good idea for other. Our preferences are different. You can't copy paste someone's base of followers and expect for a good result.
  6. There will be days when you will wish to give up. A lack of sales and reviews, negative reviews, piracy, problems with Kindle and Amazon. You can't expect from someone to solve this for you.

Your followers are not your servants neither customers. There must be mutual respect and tollerance. 

If you can't get along with some people, don't abuse them virtually. 

Build your community and be grateful to every new reader.


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