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Make a choice or regret later

I don't have luck. Me and my bad luck. We will say this often when nothing good happens in our life. Then, happiness will leave the track. You hear someone is knocking on the door? If you don't open, the person will leave and maybe return next time. Or never. The same is with opportunities. They are here, and if you don't use this moment, all that is left is regret. Ivan had a good chance to work in Switzerland. He was an engineer and he got an offer to work on a project, for a good salary. He was thinking because this opportunity has a price. He should move from Croatia, together with this family, and to live in Luzern. He should leave his friends, parents who were old and sick and simply to start for a new life.  After many doubts, he gave up. How he will leave his city, friends from childhood and how his parents will live without his visits? He had children and they used on school, how would they fit in Luzern? He stayed at his job, for average salary. Af

What makes you happy?

Happiness is inside of us. Ask yourself a question what makes you happy and your donor is in front of the mirror. If you feel good even your favorite song will make you happy. The opposite, if you drown in your personal flood, full of negative thoughts, new Mercedes will not bring you happiness. It is wrong thinking that everything will be solved if you find love. Bunch of people is in relations, but still, they are not complete happily. A partner can be a big source of happiness, but if you ask something different than he gives to you, all is in vain. Happiness is a system. Try to remember what made you happy all these years, what was the reason that you felt happy yesterday and what makes you smile before one hour. You can be happy even if others are miserable because this is in human nature. Think about how this thing can make you happy. Your terrible boss is sick? Your ex-girlfriend got 20 kilograms on weight and she is not attractive anymore?

Why some people have Napoleon complex?

Life gives us opportunities as cards. When we spent our amounts of cards, we can create more chances to stay in the game. The second choice is to give up on everything and abuse our power in the places where we can do it. If you travel by bus or tram, sooner or later you will see controller tickets. That is usually an older man or woman. They can be frustrated and angry at the rest of the world. They will grab this chance to throw out their rage on passengers.  Once drunk controller enters in the tram. There were a bunch of people who saw him and run away quick until the door was opened. The rest who stayed there were his victims. He was red in the face and his breath had a smell like trash, but still, he asked for a ticket woman who was sitting near him. - I don't have a ticket. I was in a rush so I did not buy. - What kind of behavior is this? You are traveling without a ticket. What is this? Men were yelling and his face became redder. The woman ref

Do you have a dark side and your Mr. Hyde?

Look at this woman in a good mood. She is smiling, radiates with kindness and softness. Everybody would say how nice is that woman. She is a real angel, just without wings. Now, try to make her angry or sad. Hurt her with bad words or bad behavior. How she will react? Maybe she will squeeze teeth and swallow sadness inside. She can yell or cry. But also, she can make a plan to get revenge and paycheck.  We will say, is that really the same person? She was so nice and kind. Now, she is a demon or devil. Human behavior depends on how we treat people. If you cross limits and press the wrong buttons, the person who was your friend can be your worst enemy. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote the book  "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." It is a story about the double personality of the same person. Dr. Jekyll is the good man, devoted to his profession, and Mr. Hyde is killer and monster. He is his evil twin when he changes the mood. Dr. Jekyll can save himself only to d

Did you play the truth or dare?

Remember the game with the bottle in childhood? You are sitting in a circle with friends, someone spins the bottle and when this stop spinning, a person who is nearest to the bottle will answer questions. This was an unpleasant situation because questions were challenges. Some games went so far that the picked person should kiss someone.  This was childhood trauma. Girls were playing with Barbara, she was introvert and good material for cruel jokes. They said to her, kiss the tree, otherwise, we will avoid you. But Barbara was tough and she rejected to made fool of yourself. The kissing tree was worse than kiss the ugliest guy. Everybody waited but she did not move. That act made her stubborn and later she did a good career because she despises authorities. Monica was a victim of "truth or dare." She got questions about her sex life, and in the circle were some unknown guys. She talked without shame how she changed a few guys in her bed, and after this gam

Which is the price of modesty?

Be a good and modest person and everybody will love you. That is a kind of attitude to avoid conflicts, judgments or to be accepted in society as a good member. That is a small line of resistant, don't fight, don't argue and you will live a peaceful life. Modesty has good sides, so modest person knows where is her place, don't ask for impossible things, stays firm on the ground and know to control herself. Also, a modest person knows to value what she owes. She is grateful to even for small things.  If you are born as a modest person, and you live accord this principle because you like it, this is your right. This is part of your personality, you like to walk, you don't need BMW, you will buy clothes in second-hand shops because you don't like brand fashion.  Conformists love to say what others love to hear. Modesty is sometimes connected with conformism because pushing yourself in the corner is similar. When you are modest, you sustain

How much we respect dead people?

From ancient times people were hungry for sensation. Hangman on the square like in western movies, we will go there to see his end. Inquisition time gave special events with so-called witches, everybody should see torching and deaths on a bonfire. Today, the death penalty is removed from many legislations, but still, people are hungry for blood and death. We have new technology so Youtube can help us to see unusual events. Famous designer Sandra d' Auriol made suicide, jumped from the 15th floor of a clinic in Beverly Hills and we can see a video about this. She had plastic surgery and after that, she behaved strangely, she was naked at the moment when she made suicide. There are doubts about the side effects of anesthetic cure, which she got after her plastic surgery. Her suicide made free showtime for people, even it was a terrible tragedy for her husband and family. What we think when someone made suicide? Shall we judge or feel sorry for that person? Many