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How much we respect dead people?

From ancient times people were hungry for sensation. Hangman on the square like in western movies, we will go there to see his end. Inquisition time gave special events with so-called witches, everybody should see torching and deaths on a bonfire. Today, the death penalty is removed from many legislations, but still, people are hungry for blood and death. We have new technology so Youtube can help us to see unusual events. Famous designer Sandra d' Auriol made suicide, jumped from the 15th floor of a clinic in Beverly Hills and we can see a video about this. She had plastic surgery and after that, she behaved strangely, she was naked at the moment when she made suicide. There are doubts about the side effects of anesthetic cure, which she got after her plastic surgery. Her suicide made free showtime for people, even it was a terrible tragedy for her husband and family. What we think when someone made suicide? Shall we judge or feel sorry for that person? Many

Did you meet a so-called seer?

I wish I had a crystal ball to predict all that can happen in my future. I am not the only one, so I believe many women wish to see future husbands and jobs.  If we could predict our future it would step forward. Maybe we could avoid something unpleasant and stop things which we don't want.  How to win in this race with unpredictable life? Fanny can't find a normal boyfriend. She is blind in this tunnel of love. Every guy she met had something that rejected her at the end. So, she was printing their photos with one purpose. She will take these photos to the clairvoyant. Fanny heard about a man who lives in a lonely house in the village. She paid him some money to see important things from these photos.  She was disappointed with the result. - You are an insecure person Fanny. You can't decide what you want. That men are unavailable at the moment and I don't see clearly what is on their mind. It seems vibration for today is not good.  Later, Fa

Do you think that writers are mad?

"The night was warm. No, the night was hot. The night was so hot." It was the beginning of black comedy "Throw Momma from the train", with amazing Danny De Vitto and Billy Crystal. It talks about a writer who is asking for inspiration for a new book and his destiny will be connected in a funny way with a nerd (Danny de Vito) and his freaky mother. I think that every writer faces it with a lack of inspiration. Suddenly your brain stops and you want to squeeze pieces of thoughts, but it can't work out. What to write, how to write? You are spinning in this circle as a clown. Inspiration comes out when we are fragile and sensitive. J. W. Mozart was creating "Requiem" when he was seriously ill. He was dying and that music became his creation, as post mortem. Pablo Picasso painted a picture of his lover Dora  Maar because he was inspired by her moody behavior. Once she was fighting with another woman for his heart and cut her own hands to prove

What makes a difference between fighters and cowards?

When you have to deal with problems, usually you will get advice: "Be strong." Our characters are different and we will handle our hard moments in different ways. Someone will cry and breakdown is possible .  You pass through a tough breakup or divorce? You will need a hand, but the main decision is on you, how you will handle this situation. If you are a strong person, you will not ring on the door of your friends every time when you feel sad and when your ex is missing you. The very important part is your pride. Face it with problems because they will not run away overnight. Life can be as an earthquake, the ground is shaking under your feet when bad things start to ruin your safety. The time of crisis is an explosion. The bomb is here, your life will crush, you will collect small pieces, behind you is sound of the rattle and you are lost. A strong person will consider this situation as a challenge. Well, life is testing me, so let me see how I can de

Have you been on the other side of the sanity?

When everything is going down, we could feel as in a trap. A million problems can appear around us and we cannot find the way out. Maybe we will look on the other side of reality, into dreams. What is happening during the process of sleeping and can we think about our dreams as messages? Maybe we need to translate that hidden messages and one dream is indeed secret code.  Olivia had a tough year. She was released from work, her boyfriend breaks up with her and many friends turned her back. Suddenly nobody had time for her. A woman without a job, without love and without comfort. She was thinking about suicide. She was introduced to darkness. Her life was an abyss and it was no way out. She tried to send appeals for the job, she was calling people she knew to go to the coffee bar with her, just for one talk, but everyone was busy. In despair, she had a date with a guy who was driving fast and she almost had an accident.  One night she slept in tears, so tired, with

Do you overrate yourself ?

Vanitas vanitatum et Omnia Vanitas. That is an old Latin proverb. All is in vanity. It talks about someone who thinks that is the center of the world. Such people think they are always the smartest, the most beautiful and perfect in everything. They will not accept another opinion, but they will teach and preach others because this is their mission in this world. If you want to capture the heart of such a person, just play on the vanity. Even this vanity is their weapon, also it can turn into weakness and hit them back like a boomerang. Once you press that button, your way is open to get what you wish. Even to take revenge. Some women believe that they can have every guy they met. Tracy is a model and she is beautiful. She thinks that every guy on the internet is here to admire her photos and her beautiful face and body. The world is spinning around her. She thinks that every woman is a bitch who is jealous of her. Once she was in long relation, about four years. She

How the success spoils people?

Imagine that your life suddenly changes overnight. You might get rich. Nothing makes a person so poisoned and gloomy as a success. Drink this sweet champagne and enjoy the taste, you are a privileged person.  Yesterday you were poor, today you are rich, and how to be flexible with this change? The moment you started to be famous and rich, the main questions will be: Who is your real friend now? Who are your enemies? How to treat people who love you, and how to deal with others who hate you? How to treat new people in your life, as potential friends or rivals? Where you will invest your money? You will need backup with many ingredients. Honesty, truth, loyalty, don't forget real values when shinny stars are all over you. Maybe you are a role model for others, but be able to look yourself in the mirror and don't lose your roots and your identity. Justin Bieber is still so young, but the press talks about his behavior. He was