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Showing posts from July, 2022

Indie authors - friends or competitors?

Your book might be a bestseller. Imagine how you sold a million copies worldwide. You are enjoying yourself on the beach after you earn a lot of money. Sound like a dream? This statement is far from reality and it will never be true for the majority of indie authors. When I said I sold ten copies last month, some authors said it is a dream for them.  Speaking about the interaction between authors, many times it sounds like competition or rivalry.  Authors will request you for friendship on social media.  But, what are their intentions? They ask for likes for their pages and for that they need a big number of friends. They ask for readers, and you might be a potential reader. They ask a group to tag their books and spread the word. Recently, I got a friend request from an author who published his statistic, a report about million KENP reads. Should I be honored? I don't think so. It happens that popular authors want a wide reader base, and they want to attract other authors who read