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Showing posts with the label friendship

What happens when you face it your problems without other's help?

It will happen that people will leave your life. Circumstances, conflicts, or various interests will change your friend's circle. In one life period, you will face its problems alone. There is no help and assistance from friends because they have gone. This situation, however, has some advantages. Your friends will not give you bad advice. Your friends will not lecture you. Your friends will not use your dirty laundry against you. You will not owe favors to anyone, because they helped you once. Facing problems alone demands a high level of discipline and concentration. Those fake people can return later when you gain success. In my example, it looked like this. Hellen worked voluntarily in the court. Her boss used her and complained about every task she did. After she found another job, she got a message from her ex-boss to help her with some documents. Helen replied: "Excuse me, the wrong number." Beware of flattering people and those who support you while you are winnin

Virtual friends could be great friends too

You can't be alone nowadays in the real sense. Your cell phone is always with you, together with tablets and computers. WI-FI is everywhere, so when you sit at the coffee bars, you can check your gadgets to see is anyone there to talk to you. You might lose your friend's circle during life. They will get married and separate from social life. They will work in another city. Even when you will wish to talk to them, you will realize there is no accurate topic to talk about. "How are you? How is at work?" it will be a formal question, and you will get an answer: "I am good. It is alright with my work." Further questions will be: "How is your wife? How are kids?" "She is good. Kids are good, too. " This will not be a conversation you wish for. You used to talk about plans, dreams, dates, and now life becomes a formality. It is scheduled life, it is conversations about loans and bills, kids, jobs, and there is nothing special about this. There

Why friends need to show attitude?

Friendship is a kind of relationship. Two people are hanging out, sharing secrets, and keep each other’s back. Their characters are various and they were raised in different surroundings. Yet, they complete each other and enjoy spending time together. Friendship breaks like a relationship. People split, they separate, and the result is, they don’t talk anymore. Sometimes, they don’t greet each other in the street. They start gossip with each other and it is possible that the former friendship turns into an enemy zone.  Now, why this happened? Not that we hate our friends overnight. It is not we pretended liking and affection.  This is something else. Where do you mistake? I will help you with this. Did you agree with your friend every time? Did you clap your hands on everything he did? Did you support his every action, even you disagreed with this? Did you let him choose your other friends and your priorities? See, here you made a mistake. Even you are a loyal friend, never be somebody

Do you feel like you are invisible?

Do you feel like good things in life avoid you? Everything great happens to someone else. She got birth. She found a great man. He got a promotion at work. He won the lottery.  Also, you might feel you don't fit in the community. It connects everyone here with a common interest, but you are the intruder. People avoid you like a plague because you are different. Don't worry, famous people are usually different. Their ideas are different, and their ways are unusual. How could the average community with some formal rules understand that we are not all the same and that is wrong to push us all into the same box? It is important to see average thinking in the mind of an average employer who is working 8 or more hours daily and who did not hear for the better.  " I must go with my colleague to the business restaurant for lunch. If I sit alone, everyone will think I am a weirdo. I must talk with my colleagues about my private life because I must fit into the

If you choose between friendship and your attitude, choose yourself

Sometimes you must choose between your attitude and friendship. As time passes by, you will discover that not everyone is your friend. Even those who supported you before can turn you back if you changed your priorities. People could be jealous if you make some progress. For example, Eve progressed in her career. She did not change, but the people around her did. They had an image of her like she is a barbie doll. Suddenly, she became their competition. She reached some areas where she was not before and her circle changed. Her new friends were ambitious and rich people, and old friends thought about how she became cocky. That was not true. She just did not want to be someone's clown anymore. She still had her sense of humor, but she could not let her old friend embarrass her in public. She ashamed some of them who acted like tramps. New friends were watching her old friends with wondering, what Eve found in such a circle? How do they know her, she is an educated woman,

It is better to be alone than with fake friends

Some people love to live in illusion. Nobody comes to your birthday party? Don't pity yourself, if you are alone, you are in good company. On the other hand, imagine that 10 people come to your birthday, and none of them isn't loyal. Dubravka organized a birthday in a coffee bar.  She gathered ten girls to celebrate her 18th birthday. They came with gifts and she paid for them for drinks. Those were her guests. Until she was unpacking gifts, they talked to each other and neglected Dubravka. One of the girls, Simona, was the center of attention because her ex-boyfriend Robert entered the bar.  "Oh, look who is here. Your ex, Simona." girls murmured. "What are you doing here?" Robert approached the table, without greeting Dubravka. Simona blushed and covered her face with palms. The unpleasant silence filled the air. Robert took a deep sigh and said: "So, have fun. " The rest of the evening girls were talking about Rob

Are you a judgmental friend?

People love to look down on someone, just to feel powerful. Judgments are something you can't avoid in gossip's circle, but if the topic is your friend things become uglier. Even in virtual circles, people love to warn each other about their friends. Sometimes I get messages about this "dangerous guy", "filthy woman", "maniac" or "pervert." Especially if the sender is an unknown person, I ignore it. What I think about judgment? I am not a jury. I am not perfect, either. If I chose someone as a friend, I will not judge him. I accept a friend with all the imperfections. We are humans, not robots.  Judging someone means that you are an insecure person . Asking failures with a magnifier means that you are not able to accept someone's personality. People change in a way that life and circumstances changed them.  Why is judgment ridiculous? Everybody has a past . If you stole a chocolate egg whe

Are you afraid of losing friends?

Before you imagine yourself alone in this world, remember the important message: The real friend can't be lost .  During life, we meet different people to hang out with. You will enter a social circle as a child, and other children will not always accept you. They will hit you, scratch you, yell at you, and sometimes you will cry in the corner because nobody loves you. In a teenager's phase, you are streaming to be popular. I invite popular people to dates, and parties and everyone loves them. Your disappointment will be bigger if your favorite ones reject you. When you work, your profession will mark your environment . Some people will try to sabotage you, others will gossip and you will try to fit in. It doesn't matter if you are the best person with the best qualities, there will be always someone who will dislike you. You will never lose real friends. Do you know why? Real friends take not only from you but also give. Real friends a

Why are male friends a better option?

You need a shoulder for crying? You need an honest comment about how you look today? You want to share a secret without a fear that someone else will know? Tell it to your male buddy. I am not kidding. If you have or you had a male buddy, you are a lucky woman. Unless he feels more about you then you have a problem. Male-female friendship is possible and stronger than a friendship between two females. I will tell you differences which give an advantage to a man instead of a woman’s friend. Your male friend will never get jealous of you. You will not fight with him because you might like the same guy. You can talk to him about topics which women don’t like: football, cars, kickboxing. He will give you aim advice about other men. You can swear with him without getting his judgment. If he gets married and has kids, he will still pay attention to you because he is his friend. Unfortunately, a woman’s nature might be double-faced, evil, and competitive. Aft

Can you stay a loyal friend?

Loyalty is an eternal value. If you say that you were loyal once, and this stopped, you were never loyal. A person can’t be half loyal. You might have a conflict with a friend, but you never turn him back because you disagreed. The childish person will go away after the first conflicts, like a kid who plays in the sand and throws his toys because he did not like a game. The mature person will yell and be silent, but the friendship will go on to the next level.  Are you strong to fight with me?  Are you strong to be with me even you don’t like my attitude?  If you are leaving because you did not like what I say, you are not a real friend. When your paths separate, don’t talk badly behind my back. I was good with you; I did my best score, but we lost our common interests. We grew up and we don’t understand each other anymore. Heads up and walk your way, I wish you happiness. Don’t wear a tail of disappointment, because we learned something from each other. Don’t let

It doesn't matter if you are not a chosen one

When you are chosen , you have certain benefits. Someone is eliminated because it chooses you. Someone is in the second place because you took the first one. Someone is in the background because you are sitting in the first line. We all like to be chosen by someone or for something. If I ask you why you are chosen , you say that you deserve it. You deserve a promotion; you deserve a proposal; you deserve the crown. If you are chosen by someone's free will, this is your privilege. What happens when you are not the chosen one? You wanted to be someone's friend, but they rejected you. You wanted to date this special person, but he/she refuses your offer. How you will accept the word NO depends on your maturity and your attitude. If you accept this quick, without questions, you are free to go forward. For me, it has no sense to insist on if someone did not choose me. The world is big, full of people who want to be my friends and if someone did not see my qua