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Showing posts with the label loyalty

Can you stay a loyal friend?

Loyalty is an eternal value. If you say that you were loyal once, and this stopped, you were never loyal. A person can’t be half loyal. You might have a conflict with a friend, but you never turn him back because you disagreed. The childish person will go away after the first conflicts, like a kid who plays in the sand and throws his toys because he did not like a game. The mature person will yell and be silent, but the friendship will go on to the next level.  Are you strong to fight with me?  Are you strong to be with me even you don’t like my attitude?  If you are leaving because you did not like what I say, you are not a real friend. When your paths separate, don’t talk badly behind my back. I was good with you; I did my best score, but we lost our common interests. We grew up and we don’t understand each other anymore. Heads up and walk your way, I wish you happiness. Don’t wear a tail of disappointment, because we learned something from each other. Don’t let