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Showing posts from June, 2023

What kind of obstacles could appear when you promote your book?

  Promoting your book is a hard path for indie authors. You don't have an agent, so promoting is your task. Indie authors will start on old fashionable way: offering their books in inbox, talking directly to people are they interested. Unless you are familiar with author, nobody likes to get messages from unknown artist who wish to sell their books. It is equal to beggaring. Also, tags are not welcome if you are not in author's circle. The conclusion is : to promote your book, you need to find your community. Making your profiles in social media means spreading a word about your books, so your followers should be members of your circle. When you want to establish your circle, you might have some obstacles. Someone will buy and read your book, but next time when you release a new book, this person will not buy it. People don't like to obligate. Someone will buy your book, but if a person is an author, you are committed to buy their book next time. Someone will promise to rea

Author Michelle Medhat

Today I am featuring one of the best science fiction indie authors.   USA Today Best-Selling Author, Michelle Medhat (known as Mish to her friends) writes fast-moving, ruthless political spy thrillers blended with thought-provoking sci-fi. Readers and fans call her addictive The Trusted Thriller Series “007 on acid with aliens” or “Bond meets The X-Files”. Her books are loaded with incredible technologies, but in every case, they’re grounded in real science. Why is this? Well, for 28 years of Mish’s life, she’s lived and breathed science, engineering and technology, including programming chips for different bleeding edge applications, established and run technology software companies, developed programmes to bring sci-tech closer to the public, and was heavily involved in the early 90’s in bringing to the UK the first notion of technologies we now take for granted, such as film-on-demand (hello Netflix and Prime Video!), pause and rewinding live tv, virtual reality and sensor applicati