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Showing posts with the label covers

Do you judge book by the cover or not?

What are you reading? Why you chose this book? I can ask you this question because I want to know, did you pick a book by the cover.  If you want to watch a movie, you wish to know who are actors and what they look like. You wish to know the content and the plot. The same is with a book, to pick a book from Kindle or from the library, you wish to see the book. When the author wishes to sell the book, he must pay attention to the cover.  What do you need to avoid? Generic cover from Kindle. Templates that everyone uses because you will get lost in the crowd. Amateur cover. It means, covers with errors, gloomy, you can't see the title well and it looks like a kid draw it. Repeating. That cover looks familiar like something you saw before? Probably you did. If you pick a book by the cover, you are not a shallow person. Nice cover can promise, at least the author took the effort to his book to attract readers. What I don't like? Covers without photos, just with letters. Confusing c

8 kind of traps for indie authors

If you are an indie author, you will publish independently your books. Probably you have no experience with traditional publishing, or you are rejected by publishers.  You will build your reader's base and promote your books. You will make your book cover by yourself, or you will hire professional cover designers. You will pay an editor. After your book will be published, you will ask for reviews. There are millions of indie authors around the world. Many will not sell more than a few books and your investment will not be effective. Some authors will give up, others will follow their passion. In your path to success, you will fall into some traps. I know that from my experience. Aware of the next traps: Fake promises . Some authors will offer you a review swap. It is punished by Amazon, by deleting these reviews. Also, even if you review other's author's books and expect the same, it is not guaranteed that the author will review your book as reciprocity. Unwanted advice. S