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Are you in the state of emotional fixation?

Do you know the feeling when you wish to be with someone, but it is not possible? The reasons might be various. He is at a big distance. He is not single. He doesn't love you back. The conclusion is the same. He can't be your partner. Despite all the obstacles, you still want him. I obsess you with the thought to be with him, even for a short. If you can get only a moment, it would make you happy. Emotional fixation is a state when you focus on a certain person, but you know that is only an illusion that will not turn into reality. Making a dream with open eyes is your escape from the daily routine.  Why you are doing this? You feel alone even you are in a relationship. Your life did not justify your expectations. You have a strong imagination. You can be alone with yourself. The object of emotional fixation is a person you like. In your imagination, he is a hero with a magic stick who will make all things perfect.  Emotional fixati