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Showing posts from March, 2022

Why Amazon is deleting your reviews?

I know that unpleasant surprise when you click on your Amazon link and the number of your reviews is getting smaller. Two years ago Amazon deleted my eight reviews. The author who made these reviews got removed account even she purchased the books. Amazon's logic is next: Amazon will get banned paid reviews. So, avoid paying promotional services for their reviews. They will delete biased reviews. They will delete reviews if there is no track of purchase or KENP read. They will delete reviews if they notice swapping. Also, abused and violated reviews will be deleted if someone reported them. Biased reviews are those reviews from your friends or family, where they praised your books. Amazon will see your connection and delete it. If you want to protect the review from deleting, purchase the book, or wait until the book will be free and click to download it. What is totally unfair from Amazon, and it is present a few years ago, are ratings without explanations. If you scroll around au

5 kinds of inappropriate men every woman will meet

Finding the right one was always the base of romantic relationships. Searching for a man who will love you and care about you is not an easy task. If you had a plan how to find a great man, surely this plan failed. Love is a spontaneous act, a planning a community with an appropriate partner might be a problematic path. If you ask women what kind of guys they met before they got married, they will talk about various experiences. I would love to say that I had a few nice relationships before I got married, but it was not the case. Like when you search for a diamond, you will find jewelry with a fake gloss, that looks like a bar of gold, and it is far away from gold. It would be only rocking with fake glittery. 5 kinds of men who will not get you serious: A man for a one-night stand. Every man will compliment you, trying to get you in the bed. His intentions are only focused on sex and nothing more. A man with Peter's Pan syndrome. A man who wants to have fun until his forties, and a

Do you think fighting in relationships means love?

Sparks are born from conflicts in relationships, they woke up passionate moments. Every time you are arguing with the opposite gender, there is a root of attraction.  Can you remember how your relationships started? Or do you have a connection with someone you did not start anything yet, but you wish you did? Fighting, swearing, and insulting is a situation when partners express their displeasure, but it doesn't mean it will get better. If someone you like constantly insults you, it doesn't mean he cares about you. On the opposite, this person wishes to obey you or humiliate you, to make you an object in your relationship. A person who cares about you will tease you or provoke, you but never insult you. Insulting someone you like might show your immaturity, it makes difference between a boy and a man. While the boy is making insults, threatening, or leaving the battlefield in silence, a mature man will show balance and a firm attitude. The situation where you two are constantly

Couples: how to recognize destructive relationships?

Your choice is your curse. The moment you fell in love with someone you will define your destiny. The object of your desire, something you crave is your master. Many women fell in love with guys who are abusive, or bossy. There is something in harsh attitude, sexy vibrations when someone throws orders. Especially insecure women with a lack of self-confidence will see a savior in a dangerous guy, who knows what he wants and how to get it. Unfortunately, that description is only a shallow view of a man who wants to control women. How to recognize signs that you love an abuser, even if he doesn't beat you? He always has the right attitude. If you have your opinion, he will consider you a stupid one. If you try to have a conflict with him, he will attack you and insult you. He will block you from every attempt to negotiate with him. He will find your replacement, a woman who agrees with him. His abusive behavior could be insulting, humiliating, and underestimating a woman who is with h

Why do some readers abuse the refund option?

When you buy the book on Amazon, there is a deadline of 3-5 business days for your refund. So, if you don't like the product, if you think the book is poorly formatted or badly edited, you can ask to return your money. Everyone has a choice and the product is not always ideal. Some books are poorly formatted. Others are bad edited, or not edited at all. Sometimes, you will not like the cover or the title. Maybe a cover confused you about the genre. It looks like a horror, but..wait, it is fantasy or romance. What happens if the refund option is abused? The reader can buy a book, read it in 3 days and return his money. It is ridiculous if a book is 1.24 (like happened to me) and the reader asks for money back. If you think you can do something with this dollar, go ahead. Take care of your savings. The refund option is abused as a "free book " option. Do you want a free book this refund is a way to get it and return your money? To be clear, I can't make a profit of 1.24