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Showing posts with the label dating

Did your man get you seriously?

Some women believe they should please a man constantly if they want to keep him. G: Bernard Shaw once said: "I would rather choose a nasty woman than a boring one. You wish to kill a nasty one but you don't want to leave her." A woman who can show teeth, to be symbolic, is always an interesting one. Relationships are the battlefield and men are hunters so different attitudes raise sparks. When a man sees a sassy woman, he will be attracted to her. If a woman acts like a servant and a cook, she is not a challenge if she cleans after him. If she gives all the benefits to her partner, he will soon take her for granted.  Roger is a playboy. He jumps from one woman to another one, and never stays too long. After he gets what he wishes he is looking for a new opportunity. The only permanent woman in his life is his friend Alice. She advises him and gives him comfort, but also they are fighting from time to time. Sometimes they don't speak at all. R

How to deal with emotional emptiness?

Emotional emptiness is worse than a breakup. In the state of a breakup, you will yell, cry, or throw anger outside of you. If you are numb, there is only dead silence. It is hard to feel something. Desires died, this emotional thrill is not present anymore. Now there is a desperate attempt to wake up your desires again. Whoever passed through this state, it is familiar to feel like a paper. Now you are somewhere outside. Do you notice someone, where all the sparks went? Handsome boys are outside, but you don't notice. Someone is winking at you, but you don't care. Someone gave you a compliment, but this is annoying. After a breakup with Gavin, Sylvia emotionally failed. This was a stormy relationship, and she felt like she spent all the energy on him. She was again in the game, but nothing excited her more. She picked up her old friend Sam; he was her fig-bird in the past. He was the ideal partner to comforting her. They made love and Sylvia felt app

Can you offer some magic in the relationship?

The relationship should start with positive vibes. If you are constantly nagging, talking about your issues or your mood is bad, your partner will have a burden. During development, this relationship will have obstacles, but it should not be at the start. Flavio fell in love with Laura because she did not judge him. She was smiling, looking at him, her feelings burst in the silence. Flavio was a playboy, and women did not get him seriously. Laura thought this at first sight, but she gave him a chance. These steps were slow but progressive. Flavio saw a woman full of energy even though she had a lot of problems. She has the strength, and this attracted him. Start with butterflies. Sparks are important, so if you feel it, just let yourself relax. Falling in love is like a jump in the water if you are afraid you will be clumsy, under stress, and full of fear. Stop wondering what will be and why the previous relationship went wrong.  Offer some magic, because life

Do you attract wrong people?

You wish to attract a certain person. Your vision is about someone who will support you, offer a shoulder for crying, and be someone you can lean on. Instead of this, you got a passive person who will not move a little finger for you. Or you got an egoist who just thinks of himself and his needs. It is wrong to blame a person who is in your life now. You could blame your choice, or research your character. What is inside of you that attracts someone like this?  What kind of impression do you leave? If you are a fragile woman, kind and obedient, you will attract a tough guy who will stand by your side and protect you. If you are a strong, independent woman, you will attract a soft man, phlegmatic or unstable who will give you the freedom to do what you wish, but you can't count on him to stand by you because you can do it better by yourself. The trouble is, what if you are independent and strong, and you wish for an equal partner? Do you need to prete

What does friendship with an ex-boyfriend really mean?

Everyone has ex - relationships. We build our experiences through failed relationships; we jump in the romances which will not end well. Maybe we know from the beginning there is no future, but it tempts us. Then we make an attempt and it fails. Every past relationship is not a bitter experience. After we froze our feelings and time pass, we could change our romance to friendship. Yes, that person is still in our life, just with a different role. We are not kissing and cuddling anymore, we just want to be there as support.  There is no problem if we have an agreement. You know where is the line. I will talk to you and you have my loyalty, but it doesn't mean that I will jump in your bed when you get horny. If I was in your bed once, it doesn't mean I must do this forever.  The problem appears when your ex uses your friendship like an intro in a sex adventure. So, I am listening to you, and now I will hug you and you will be mine again. You will be in my be

Relationships: The affair is based on sparks

She made him feel purer. He felt urged to change his lifestyle. Behind him were a bunch of women, but many of them were dirty. A long time ago he was in this desperate club. There were people who were drowning, and nobody gave them a straw. Any woman was welcomed to his arms. It doesn't matter if she was old, poor, ugly, stupid, or mean, she was a woman gender and all this mattered.  That relationships were a field of damage for him. His friends, family, watched over him like he has a plague. Nobody liked to socialize with him at his workplace because his reputation was not good.  One day she came. She was distanced, but without any judgment. She knew how is to feel isolated, so she accepted him as a man. He recovered to her his wonderful soul. His loyalty, kindness, well-mannered behavior was not just a mask. It was a skin he recovered only for her because she stood on his side. She defended him in front of the judgmental crowd.  These women were hungry for lo

Do you mix love and affection?

Do you see between lines when it comes to romance? Do you mix real love with a fake sugarcoated story?  Do you want to see what you wish to see? The romance could be only in your fantasies. You might make an image of an ideal person and gain some expectations, but when you woke up nothing of it existed. The one who loves you want the whole image of you. He knows how you look without makeup. He understands when you are struggling with your weight. He understands why you are crying when things are not well. He knows why you are angry. He listens and observes.  He sits with you in the dark. The one who only likes you: He wants to see your best edition. He is not interested in why you have black thoughts. He doesn't want to listen to your problems. He has no time for your depression. He wants you physically, but he doesn't see under your surface. Sometimes, affection is a substitute for the words of love, but nice words have a purp

Is his compliment real?

Many women fall on flattering. Even the coldest woman will blush when someone hits her weak spot. It is good when a handsome man praises you, isn’t it? Well, women like to compete. This race is a mix of jealousy, envy, or just food for the ego. He looks at me, not at her. He wants me, not that woman. He chooses me in front of many women. I am special. When the rain of compliments falls from a man’s mouth, you must ask yourself, how real are these compliments? Men could flatter you for many reasons. They do it formally because you are his neighbor, a colleague, maybe a boss.  Oh, nice haircut. Well, a lovely skirt. You look good today. They do it to drag you into the bed . This chick is a piece of candy, I wish to have sex with her. Nice smile. Sexy legs. If this compliment considers sexy, beware. If you are not already close to him, maybe he wants to step further. They do it to every woman, to practice their seduction skills.  He said to me I have eyes like the o