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Authors and readers: you don't need to promote famous people

Indie authors are underestimated and our life is hard. When someone hears you are an independent author publishing on Amazon, a person will say: "Oh, well you are not a real author. You don't have a publisher, you have self-made covers and you are not famous." That could be partly true, but a real talent could be hidden under millions of books on Amazon. Why should not we give it a chance? Some authors on social media make the basic mistake of promoting books of famous authors on their pages. They will share, retweet, or brag about "Fifty shades of grey", "The Stand" or "1984." We all hear about these books. Their authors sold a million copies, movies are based on books, and extra promotion is unnecessary. Why do people do this? Remember high school. Girls wanted to date popular guys, to be seen with them. That guy needs to be more intelligent, but he has the fastest motorbike. He is not an intellectual type, but he is famous because he is a