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Where is empathy nowadays?

One simple thing can make you smile and your day will be better. As much as your mood is bad or sad, something will capture your attention and you will forget your troubles, even for a moment. I went to the shopping mall to buy some food for dinner. I met a man with a bloody face; he asked for more beer. I suppose he fell, or he got hard kicks from someone, but the impression was like in horror movies. Freddie Kruger is in the shopping, walking around without purpose.  People were in fear. What will that creature do to break something or find some victim? Is it necessary to call the police? The guy took empty bottles for money and went out, like nothing happened, with his bloody face. It seems he had no mirror on his way home. This event showed something else.  Nobody cares, only in case of scandal people will ask what happened.  I mean, wf, that is an only drunk dude, who asked one more bottle of beer. His face was bloody, so what? Probably he fell on the groun