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Did you forget your honor?

Once upon a time, there was a handsome knight who fought for the honor of his lady. If someone insulted the lady of his heart, he started a battle, intending to win or lose his life.

As time is passing by, we forgot the values of honor. Nowadays we have different choices, and we will not ask our men to die for us. But together with past times, honor became something old-fashioned. Some men will think: "My woman knows how to defend herself, she is swearing and drinking more than me, so what should I do, to stay without teeth because of her? No way."

What happened with a feeling of dignity and honor? And why guys lose respect toward women in some situations?

Here are examples.

The woman opens the profile on the social network. If she is not traditional, big chances are to lose respect, to be invited on camera for striptease show or to be insulted. But different attitude doesn't mean always that she wants sex or that she is promiscuous.

The woman has a sexy private video with her boyfriend, but when they split, the jealous guy decides to publish that. And nobody will ask is that private or only for him. A good example is Croatian singer Severina, someone stole her video with ex-lover and she was subject to many public judgments and discussions. But everybody wanted to see it.

On Saturday night young girls take a bag with big bottles of alcohol and walk in the street without shame that someone can see them. Of course, the guy will think about his chances for one nightstand.

Too open and provocative clothes can also give the wrong signs. Walking alone in the middle of the night in a short skirt, so you get surprised when a maniac is stalking you?

Women will get surprised if men will not stand to defend their honor. But it is not easy for a man if a woman makes his position hard. If you want a knight who will defend your honor, you must be worthy of his efforts.

It is necessary to understand man too. It was easy to defend the lady from the castle, but to stand up for the rights of promiscuous women is really not an easy task. This pressure is bigger.

Every guy has the choice to make his own list of values. What is an honorable and respectable woman for him? This is an individual. Some guys will value women accord her past relations, others will not care about the past, just about present and future.

One thing is for sure, feeling of respect and dignity is bonded with a feeling of love. And that is a difference. If the guy wants you for one night stand, he will not care about your dignity, respect or honor. The other day his duty is not even to say hello to you.

But if the guy wants you for a lifetime, or at least for serious relation than you must think about your behavior, make compromises with him. The same as we don't want a guy who cries more than us, guys don't want women who swear and fight more than them.


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