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Who is manipulating us?

The oldest and the most dangerous weapon in human nature is not anger, rage or wrath. That is the ability of manipulation. 

We can see results of manipulation on every corner.

1. beggars on the street - have you ever wonder who is that person who asks you for money, is he/she really so poor? What people see is a superficial view. We can see the mother and her child, how she begs for coins. But where is the father of this child and where is social service? We can't help a poor child with giving money, because the mother is not a responsible one. A responsible mother would find a job or a man who will take care of her. But this kind of mother is asking for compassion, condolence, not a solution how to get out in this situation, because she is lazy to work or because she is afraid to face it with her problems. And on that way, she uses an innocent child to manipulate with the crowd. 

Also, I know a woman who has an adult son, an invalid in a chair, and she asks for money around, that she can buy a packet of cigarettes.

2. ex-partner - when relation or marriage is over, still all cards are not on the desk. What is left to a disappointed person is manipulation. He/she can say "I will make suicide", "because of you I need to visit shrink" or similar explanations. And of course, you will be concerned. What if that is true? And you will take care of ex-partner and you will spend more and more time to make your conscience calm because you are guilty. In this way, your present partner can take a lot of pain, especially if you have kids and they need your attention.

3. people at work - there is a syndrome of hot potato. A person who will avoid work will act like hot potatoes hit them to others. So there will be a lot of excuses. " I am sick, I can't work, I have the sick mother I must take care of her, my child had flu". Other people will work for such a person because of compassion, feeling of duty, and that person has control over them.

4. cruel boss - some people rule with fear. He/she can treat their employers with smaller salaries and other penalties. And they will afraid not to lose a job because they have a bad financial situation.

5. sexy mistress - sex is a very powerful weapon. The man who has no much pleasure at home can take it in another place. So sexy secretary, a sexy nurse with stockings and high heels, who would resist?

Manipulation is a fatal woman. Beautiful outside and dangerous inside. Manipulation can seduce every mind, it is just necessary to discover a weak spot. Once when your weak spot shows up, you are the next victim of manipulation.

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