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Do you wish to stay young forever?

In the story of Oscar Wilde handsome man never get old, but his portrait of youth getting older and older. He had eternal youth and his soul was black; he was full of vices and evil. He became so unhappy that he committed suicide, and suddenly his portrait became young again.
We are dreaming of eternal youth. That is why is Twilight saga so popular, there are handsome vampires who are young forever and live an eternal life. This is impossible in reality, but that kind of trend is everywhere. We can stay young and extend our youth for some years, with few tricks. As long as you are young, your chances to survive in this society are bigger. Photoshop on Instagram gave opportunity even to plain people to stay young, so if you wish to play with your smartphone you are welcome into this illusion.
Recently I read about a woman from Croatia who lost her job in public service, she is 42 and she sent many appeals for a new job, but employers denied her because of her ages. They explained, we want workers at the age of 30, not 40, you are too old. In one mall employer fired the cashier because she was ugly. He said, she might work in a warehouse. 

Due to relations,  if a woman asks for a partner and she is more than 30  years old, her choice is not so big. All guys she has avoided in the twenties are now her possibilities. Unless a woman is a celebrity or really rich, that standards are different. It is easy to be Jennifer Lopez, Madonna or Tina Turner, your partner can be younger than you for more than 15 years. But an average woman with average looks, what are her chances, especially if she is picky and her standards are high, and she lives in a small city where everybody knows her already?
When you are young, all the world is under your feet. 

Your dreams are your aims, you have an advantage in private and in business life. If you are enough smart you will use that possibility. If you are crazy and silly, you will live fast and die young, as we can read in the news about teenagers who killed their friends, parents, girlfriends. That happens when you live too fast and when you don't think about the consequences. 
How to stop ages is the subject of many marketing tricks, so we can see much advertising about vanished wrinkles, lost weight and other things which come with time. We might look younger and more plastic, but who cares?

Nobody wants to be a useless old man or woman, so staying young is an eternal race. We are not Dorian Gray, but we wish to be, because that makes our life easier. If you lose your soul in this way, you paid a certain price. 

There is one thing which can make our life frozen, that is our deeds. Our soul can stay young forever with our inheritance, what we will leave to the next generation. And that is more worthy than powder against wrinkles.


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