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Would you choose to be average or a famous person?

It is not easy to be famous. You want to reach the top of the world, but still, you are not the only one. Competition is tough, some would like to cross over the corpse just to gain success. Nowadays things are getting more harder. Taboo is not something that will raise the dust. Everyone knows about naked bodies in "Playboy", about porno movies which are stolen and published, about relations with married men and women, it is not forbidden to act promiscuous and homosexual. 

Your album is not sold? Your book is not popular? Do something to pull fans on your side. otherwise, you are broke.

So, what to do to make more attention and more admiration and to make our fame bigger?

Serbian model Mina Milenković got an original idea, how to play the role of victim. She lied that she is kidnapped and raped. It would make a double effect: victim in the eyes of publicity and more famous because she was so strong to handle such serious troubles.

 A game with the law is not a childish game, so her lies were discovered. It is like in the case when the child calls the school with the explanation "Here is the bomb, it will explode for one hour." All with purpose, that child doesn't want to be on the exam that day. Mina indeed had a conflict with an ex-boyfriend, so she made a story to cover herself. Medical documentation did not show the track on her body so she had no proof about rape. She had only scratched in her face. Sources said that she was drunk in the night club and security throw her out. Then she disappeared and after this, she made a story. Dealing with the law is not a joke, so Mina got punishment. She will clean public toilets to do something useful for the community. Press will write about this and in some way, she got the score.

It is not easy to be celebrity because everyone can follow our steps. 

Private fights become public. 
All ugly things in relation and marriage swim out.

Private relations are exposed as a reality show. 

I have been watching you is greeting instead of hello. 
You want to drink coffee and already journalists see a stain on your shirt and zoom.

If we want to hide something or lie, we can be discovered as in this case.

When you look at things from this side, mediocre is an advantage. Nobody will ask why I drink coffee without sugar in the morning and where I will buy groceries for dinner. I can sneeze without problems that someone will take a photo of my face. I don't need to walk around to search and find paparazzi in the bush. I can drink coffee with my friend and the press will not ask are we in relation. 

Woody Allen made an interesting movie about 24 hours of glory. The man got used to being famous, and when all attention is gone, nobody cared for him. It was the message, fame will not last forever unless you did really something historical.

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