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Have you been on the other side of the sanity?

When everything is going down, we could feel as in a trap. A million problems can appear around us and we cannot find the way out.

Maybe we will look on the other side of reality, into dreams. What is happening during the process of sleeping and can we think about our dreams as messages? Maybe we need to translate that hidden messages and one dream is indeed secret code. 

Olivia had a tough year. She was released from work, her boyfriend breaks up with her and many friends turned her back. Suddenly nobody had time for her. A woman without a job, without love and without comfort. She was thinking about suicide. She was introduced to darkness. Her life was an abyss and it was no way out. She tried to send appeals for the job, she was calling people she knew to go to the coffee bar with her, just for one talk, but everyone was busy. In despair, she had a date with a guy who was driving fast and she almost had an accident. 

One night she slept in tears, so tired, with the strong wish not to wake up anymore. She had a dream. She saw the face of one boy from her university, even she did not know him well but she recognized his face. He said: "Wait for the news from the capital. "

She was confused and after one month she got a letter in a blue envelope, indeed from the capital. She got a job. That dream was saved in her mind, and she felt creepy. That boy was a messenger and he never appeared anymore. Like someone sends him to her in a dream, to give her message.

Sensitive people will dream more intensive, and sometimes that dreams can be a mirror. I don't talk about superficial books, sold at cheap prices in libraries about the meaning of dreams. Not everything in your dream will be true. If you dream that you are king, you will not rule with the kingdom, but maybe you will take things in your hands. 

The dream is a kind of comfort. It will be a time in your life when you will be totally alone. Nobody can't help you, or nobody wants to help you. You will lean on yourself, and maybe you can get help from the other side. 

People who had accidents, who had experience with coma or hard illness are kind of radio receivers. They can receive signals, very confused and messy, and it is good to know their meanings. Many people will laugh or ignore signals from dreams. Think about, did you dream something that became true later?

Your dream can warn you, notify you or show you the way. Olivia received news about her job, and the source was her dream. She did not know that will be true. She remembered later. Sometimes, when you cry, when you are so sad and angry, you can have sharp sensors to catch the signal from the other side. Try to be a cat, silent and wait, it can be important.


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