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Make a choice or regret later

I don't have luck. Me and my bad luck. We will say this often when nothing good happens in our life. Then, happiness will leave the track. You hear someone is knocking on the door? If you don't open, the person will leave and maybe return next time. Or never. The same is with opportunities. They are here, and if you don't use this moment, all that is left is regret.

Ivan had a good chance to work in Switzerland. He was an engineer and he got an offer to work on a project, for a good salary. He was thinking because this opportunity has a price. He should move from Croatia, together with this family, and to live in Luzern. He should leave his friends, parents who were old and sick and simply to start for a new life.  After many doubts, he gave up. How he will leave his city, friends from childhood and how his parents will live without his visits? He had children and they used on school, how would they fit in Luzern? He stayed at his job, for average salary. After ten years, when his factory fall in debt and director announced bankruptcy, he remembered his business chance. 

A similar situation made Eva regret. She was between two men. One was handsome, with a temporary job, and the other was rich, less handsome but stable and with good character. She chose first. Her life with Victor was hell. He spent her money and run away with the waitress. Eva spent the whole night with a postcard from Filip. Meanwhile, he got married and Eva remembered her missed chance. She wanted adventure and life with Filip would be boring, accord their view. Or maybe not? She chose Victor and it was a big fail.

Every choice leaves consequences. What occupation you will choose? How about your job, life partner? Will, you quit the present job and ask for new? Will you marry that man? You are pregnant and you don't want to keep your baby?

Our choice will leave a mark in our soul. How could it be and what would happen if you choose differently? A sound of regret is very sad. Maybe you did not have guts to risk more. Maybe your sacrifice would be too big and painful.

Regret is a bad follower. If you did not choose right, try to be happy with things and persons you have. You did not recognize what is good for you, so now make your choice better and live with this.


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