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Do you listen to the sound of the intuition?

There is something you need to do and suddenly you know-how. You have no skills and knowledge about certain things, but something whispers in your ear that you are on good way. That is the voice of intuition. Psychologist Gary Klein said that 90% of critical decisions we bring on the basis of intuition.

When we are on the crossroad, intuition is an additional feeling we can lean on. How many times we heard "my feeling inside never lie" or "I felt something is wrong" or "I had this signal that everything will be ok. "

Previous signs can warn us before some bad events. You are going on a journey but somehow you feel unpleasant pain in the stomach. You can't explain the source of it and how it happens, but it follows you all the time. Dorothy was traveling in Spain. On beach Costa Brava she lost her money and documents, indeed someone stole her purse. She was swimming and when she came back her things just disappeared. She had big problems to cross the border and to came back into her country, policemen stopped her, she took photos for the new temporary document because she had no passport. And when she finally back into her country, she spent a lot of money to make new documents. She remembered that she felt upset without special reason before she came to Spain. Her friends were happy, they were singing in their car, but Dorothy was grumpy all the time like devil obsessed her. 

Intuition is the joker in our pocket. When you ignore this, you will remember later what you felt. For sure, there is no logical explanation of why you felt confused, sad or angry. Why we don't like some people at first sight, and why we are smiling in contact with others, even they are not familiar to us?

If you lean on intuition, others can laugh to you. You do against common sense and there is no background for this. I will invest this money because I have a good feeling? Gamblers will lean on intuition, they will say "I knew I will get money." You are buying stocks? Intuition can be your guideline. You bet on a horse race? Yes, this horse will win, you feel this.

Some parapsychologists talk about intuition as a paranormal activity because it can't be explained by logic. Why you did this when it was not expected from you? For example, a teacher can say that he trusts his student, even he did not show special level of knowledge. One day this guy pass the exam with excellent marks, even nobody expected this. The teacher had intuition, he trusted his abilities without special reason.

Women will say that they feel if a partner is cheating them. Woman intuition is a powerful weapon. Simply you know that your husband is faithful or not. This is like you read between lines, that you can see something that others cannot see. 

Unexpected events will be explained by acts of intuition. Things went in another direction. Maybe we ignored signs. 


Pain in the stomach.

Black thoughts.

The joy you can't explain.

Weird dream. 

You are calling someone on the phone, and you don't know why you did it.

Stella had wedding plans. For a few months she should marry for her fiance Glen. She dreamt of an unusual dream. She was in a wedding gown, but the face of the bridegroom was dark. She did not see who is next to her. A few months later Glen broke their relation, and for few years Stella gets married to another man. It was a message of her dream, but she did not pay attention to.

There are many examples when people will say "I should listen to this voice inside of me" or " it was obvious but I did not see this." Even we are used to denying intuition, it will follow us anyway. Later we can be grateful or regret because we ignored this.


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