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7 myths about blogging

Many people are interested to make a blog that will be popular and famous. Once, a girl said to me: "I wish to open a blog site, I have a sense of writing, how does it work? It looks easy." I am a blogger for about 5 years and English is not my native language so you can imagine how hard work was for me. I was struggling not only with grammar mistakes, but also dealt with mockery, critics, and spammers. Well, I did not give up. I self-published 5 books, and I met many interesting people. I am a hard nut and I don't give up easily, so I accepted the blogging challenge.

Meanwhile, I noticed mistakes that every beginner does. A big ego, a hard desire for popularity, and a strong wish to change lives are obstacles in this way.

7 myths about blogging:

Other bloggers are my rivals, and I don't want to cooperate with anyone.
Wrong step number one. You will not gain success without the audience, and your audience is other bloggers. Don't underestimate anyone.

I must approve all comments under my blog cause it will increase my visits.
Wrong step number two. The main point is quality. If you let people spam your blog to chat under your post, you will lose authority. Nobody wants to dig in the trash bag if you understand me. The advice: make comments under approval. Make a spam filter.

I will let other bloggers promote themselves on my blog.
Again, the wrong deal. If you make an article about promotion, this is all right, because in that case, self-promotion is a topic. Otherwise, you will get lost in the flood of other egos, and it doesn't look nice.

I will write as much as I can cause a big number of posts will attract attention.
Don't annoy people. We all have our reality and lack of time, so when you write, write short and one post a day. Accord my experience, people also love images and one image speaks more than a thousand words.

I will not comment on other blogs because in this way I increase my rival's rating.
Again, wrong. Pick your favorite bloggers. Someone will see your thoughts and follow you, but also in this way, you show respect to your colleagues. I have my favorite bloggers, and my comments are sincere. If I am not interested, I will not comment.

I will chat on others' blogs because I know some bloggers and I will make conversation on the topic, but not about the topic. I want to greet other bloggers.
Well, that happened to me. I delete comments out of the topic. I will go to your blog and make chat to see how it looks. It is like I am thinking, and you are farting meanwhile.

I will make money on my blog cause my content is awesome.
Wrong point. If you are not a gold digger with a sugar daddy who monetizes your blog, if you are not Kim Kardashian, believe me, it interests nobody what you had for breakfast and what you wear at the party. You need many investments to make your score.

Blogging is a complicated journey. I am still learning in this way; I think about critics and suggestions, but I also avoid people who just want to earn money and offer me advice that should be paid for.
If I make a big success, I will make a big party for all who helped me. I enjoy my journey while I reach my destination.


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