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Do you think unattractive men don't cheat?

Recently I saw on Facebook a photo of a handsome male model. Someone posted this like the intro in a debate club. The question was: “Would you choose a handsome man who will cheat you or a less attractive man who will be faithful?”
It was a shallow argument because it reveals prejudice.
So, if a man is a handsome one, he will cheat?
If he is not handsome, he will be faithful?
At first, is necessary to make a definition of what is indeed handsome. Here are some standards, but not every woman is attracted to a male model. I will say that he looks gorgeous, but it doesn’t make him attractive to me, because it takes more than a good look to attract me.
The truth is, if your beloved man is attractive, he will gain more attention. Girls will approach him, they will call him and he will have a wider choice. Here is the opportunity, he can pick whether to cheat or not. If he is truly interested in one woman, he will not cheat. If he is not collecting numbers he will stand in one place. It depends on how many things he has in common with his woman and how strong is their connection.
If your partner is not so attractive to other women, it doesn’t mean that nobody wants him. On the opposite, he might feel undesirable and he could ask for confirmation in a woman’s circle, especially if you did not prove to him that he is your special choice. Many times, in the neighbor’s gossip, we could hear a sentence: “He is an ugly man but he cheated on his wife. He has that sexual energy that made him attractive. He is a fucker.”
If a woman wants a guarantee that a man will be loyal to her, she will not find this in his appearance. She will find that in his actions. He will reject other women and their attempts to sabotage his relationship.
Linda was married to an unattractive man. He was short, with a big nose and small eyes, but he had a big sense of humor and she fell on him because he made her laugh all the time. Ten years later he was involved with his colleague, a much younger woman. Linda wondered what she saw in him. They divorced, and even she thought that she will never lose him.
A good-looking guy is not a danger and an unattractive man is not a guarantee for happiness. They don’t start from the same positions, it is true. It is easier for a handsome man to capture attention. Later, things could change. You might see many cute guys from high school who finished alone. Also, you can see less attractive guys who got married.
How will man use his qualities, depends on him? He is handsome, but he will not profit from this if he is a narcissist, egoist, and self-centered.
If a man is not so attractive, it doesn’t mean that he has immunity to cheating. Some women fall in love with rich men. Others love men with a sense of humor. If a guy is in the popular circle, he could cheat no matter if he is handsome or not. He might feel some kind of defiance, especially if he was the ugly duck before. Once he reveals his talent to bring ladies into his bed, he will celebrate and it will be a kind of adrenaline. He could prove to others that, despite his unattractive appearance, he can get laid with a beautiful woman.
The point is in a woman’s choice. If a woman is insecure, she will see a treat in every corner. If such a woman involves a handsome man, she will be jealous and make pressured. She will rush with a commitment and such a guy could feel tied.
If a woman knows her value, she will not think that a handsome guy is a playboy at first sight. She will not make a definition before she knows him.
When you are in love, all the stereotypes you have about guys are a potential bomb.  Don’t judge before you see all the facts.


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