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What to do when a guy ignores you?

Ignorance is the sister of disrespect. It closely relates to them. If a person ignores you, it means you are not worthy of their time. It happens to everyone. 

Don't believe it when someone says "I am busy", as an excuse. Yes, we are all busy, and we live with a busy schedule, but the day is long 24 hours and during this time we made priorities. So, guess are you on the priority list if someone ignores you a day, week, or month? The answer is no.

When you wish to hear news from someone or stay in contact, you will make an attempt. It means you will use any reason to stay in contact. 
When you don't wish to stay in contact, you will do an excuse. Everything will be more important to you. Even your cat's crap in the basket will be on the priority list before a person you wish to ignore.

Girls will often ask what to do when a guy who is their crush ignores them?

Girls, you need to know, that some guys will never break up with you. Some of them will never say NO, but they will stay quiet forever.

Also, don't fool yourself, if you are the first who calls him and messages him always, he is ignoring you, but he lets you be in his life, as a reserve.

If you watched football, some guys are on the bench, as reserve players. They are here to enter the game when the main player has an injury or tires him. Don't wait to jump in the game when other girls are out of options, because this place means exactly this, to fill the empty spot.

If a guy ignores you, don't ignore him too. Do you know why? 
He will think you agree with his treatment, and one day he will call you in the middle of the night to talk to him. Because you are always ready to jump, like a dog for the bone.

If a guy ignores you, tell him you will not wait for him. This is a strategy to prevent him to make a fool of you. 

Tell him you have your life and your priorities and he can't just ring on your door when this is convenient for him.

Some men have a big ego and will not say NO even if they don't like girls. Many options will surround them, and girls who accept such treatment are like hens who wait for the cock. 

Besides, a guy who ignores you stands at your door and blocks the traffic. You can't see the one who is interested in you, because this jerk makes your view misty. 

So, next time he calls you after a few months, say to him he is late. You already made a new life, without a guy who blocks the traffic.


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