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Why I don't accept paid reviews?

If you are an indie author, you will get offers for paid reviews, sooner or later. Someone of money hunters will approach you through your inbox or in groups, offering their reviews for your books, in exchange for "small fees."

Indie authors are struggling with book sales, but some reviewers are like vultures, trying to get money from authors because we need reviews as a marketing tool for our books. Some reviewers will ask 10 dollars for one review, some even more.

I advise you: don't buy it. Don't accept it.


Paid reviews are not objective. Someone will praise your book, and you paid for it. Do you remember when you go shopping and a saleswoman praises you for how you look good in a new dress? She does it because she wants to sell a dress. So, if you paid for a review, it will be praised, because you give money. You will get 5 stars, and a person even did not read a book.

Amazon will punish you. If they discover you paid for reviews, you are breaking their rules. Your reviews will be deleted and you might lose your account.

True readers will avoid your book. 

Your sale will not increase. Just because someone wrote compliments, it doesn't mean others will like it. People have choices and opinions.

If someone wrote you a message and promise you to make a new talent, to promote you and boost your sales, don't buy it. You will not be new to John Grisham just because you invest your money in reviews. You should invest in covers and editing, but not in paid reviews. 

You will ask me what to do.

Find your real audience, the ones who will buy your book, read on Kindle unlimited, and leave unbiased reviews.

Accept critics. I have 158 reviews on Goodreads. Some are 3 stars, some are 5 stars, and I have even 1 star for my books. Also, I have 125 reviews on Amazon for my books. Some are critical, and this is a good deal. They inspired me to write better.

Ask your readers where you did mistakes, and how to improve your writing.

Be realistic.  Accept 3 stars, not everyone will give you 5 stars.

Don't blackmail people with friendship. If a friend doesn't like your book, take it professionally. Don't get offended.

Read other authors and talk to them. You will find out a lot of good books and they will inspire you. 

Don't argue with reviewers. It will not help you, you will take an impression as an amateur. 

Remember, your book is your product. If you offer your readers something genuine, they will feel it. Readers are smart people, they will know that you wrote a book to share your experience, not to fool them. 

You can't create a talent if this does not exist. You can create your audience, but this depends on you.


S.D. McKinley said…
Ah! One of the many pitfalls that an indie author can run into! These are great tips Ms. Gallo, so thank you for that! I loved the first meme about the cluttered desk. My desk is very un-cluttered on the surface, but in my drawers you will find gremlins and other things I cannot speak of!! They are dreadful Ha, ha.

One of the best advice I ever got from a fellow indie author was a very simple one: Keep writing. =D What do you think?
Kristina Gallo said…
Of course, keep writing and have on your mind that people will try to sabotage you. Just focus on your aim.

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