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Horror writers: About Tim Mendees


Let me represent you today someone special. 

Tim Mendees is a horror writer from Macclesfield in the North-West of England that specializes in cosmic horror and weird fiction. He has had over seventy published stories in anthologies and magazines with publishers all over the world. His debut Lovecraftian novella, Burning Reflection is out now from Mannison Press.

When he is not arguing with the spellchecker, Tim is a goth DJ, crustacean, and cephalopod enthusiast, and the presenter of a popular web series of live video readings of his material and interviews with fellow authors. He currently lives in Brighton & Hove with his pet crab, Gerald, and an army of stuffed octopods.

The important links to connect:

My review for his book "Burning reflection".

Welcome to the Twilight zone. This book reminds me of horror stories in the Twilight zone and Hitchock movies. The main character, Aiden, wishes to discover what happened to his uncle. Mirrors in the house are covered, and Aiden remembers a line of numbers from his childhood that uncle repeated like a mantra. 
He had phobias and a kind of evil possessed him. Through the story, we meet different characters, Mr. Gittings, that reminds me of the housekeeper in "Rebecca" movie, dr. Lester took care of his uncle before he died, and maid Kirsten. The story is made with scales of fear and creeps, I wonder with every chapter what will happen and what is indeed the secret.
This is complex horror, the content is about myths, numerology, paranormal, and metaphysic, but it leads the reader through unknown mysteries and unpredictable ends.


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