You wrote a book. The next step would be to promote it on social media if you are an independent author.
Promoting books is the way to reach visibility and potential buyers. This is important to find your reader's circle and get reviews.
You are hungry for success, I know it.
A huge desire to make sales could result in a negative effect. You might be blocked and deleted, even reported if you force your sales and annoy people.
These are basic mistakes people do in promoting books:
Randomly tagging people with your links.
Who are you and do you know these people? You can't tag someone you don't know and offer your product.
Sending private messages to unknown people.
"Hi, I wrote a book and I would love to review or purchase. Click on the link, go and read it."
Spam your page with the same links every day.
This is annoying, you are repeating yourself. Repeating the same things as parrot will not help you to reach a potential audience.
Try to ask for money for your reviews. This is beggaring and people hate it.
Make negative reviews to your competition. You try to knock down your rival, but Amazon can punish it.
You will ask me, what to do then, how to promote yourself?
Try to be original and promote your product as a professional. "Hello, I am the author, can we cooperate? I am offering you...Nice to meet you. "
Make an interview. Many authors are doing interviews, some are video interviews, audio links, and written, with the same purpose to spread the word about your book.
Post the reviews you got. This is good for marketing your book and the way you show gratitude to the reviewer.
Respect other authors. It means, if you are promoting your book in groups, don't post your link under other's links. This is rude and amateurish.
What you do, talks a lot about you. Nobody will cooperate with a person who is spreading negative energy. If you see a troll around, ignore it and block.
Remember: many people who are trolling your book could not write even a normal sentence. Spitting on other's work show frustration, and you are above it.