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Featuring indie author Eve Koguce

Today I am introducing an awesome indie author Eve Koguce.

Her novel “Neglected Merge” - book one in the Neglected Merge trilogy - is a fantasy futuristic romance set in a utopian-style world. She has a confession to make. She doesn’t read fantasy. The main reason for that is that books in this genre tend to be rather grim, but since life has shown her all its faces, not only light and carefree, she seeks additional emotional stirring neither in literature nor in movies/TV series.

The Neglected Merge trilogy explores the challenges of universal happiness rather than those hardships we envisage to befall us after some kind of apocalyptic event. Limitations are always suffocating, even if they’re intended to limit your choices to make you miserable.

She has been in love with books for as long as she remembers. The typewriter her first attempts at writing had been made at still sits proudly on its shelf in the basement, and when she goes down there, she always has an urge to save it from its exile.

She spent fifteen years, trying to fit into the office work pattern. She even managed to build a relatively successful career after an ambitious shift from the private to the public sector. And only after her son was born, did she has a unique chance to stop and rethink not only what she’d achieved so far, but what she really wants from life. She made a decision to leave her old life behind, and she has never regretted it. Changes in the daily routine led naturally to changes in her way of thinking. 

She finally allowed herself to be who she really was. And she was always a bookish person. Books helped her to go through thick and thin. After a couple of years that she spent living in South West England, she came home dragging a huge luggage bag full of books she had bought there. Books were her anchor when her world wasn’t an easy place to live in. 
Books taught her to overcome losses and difficulties. She had a story to tell and was finally allowed to tell it.

Here are links to her books:


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