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7 kinds of obstacles in book sales

You wrote a book. Today is publishing day. Impatiently waiting, nervously expecting a miracle, every writer will watch his Kindle report. He will check every ten minutes if is there a noted sale. 

How many sold books do you expect this month? Ten? Hundred? Thousand?

Every indie author is faced with obstacles to book sales.

Here are 7 kinds of obstacles:

Competition. It means millions of other authors who want to reach the same score as you. Why should buyers buy your book? What makes you different from others?

Tax system. Believe it or not, some countries have an impossible tax system for indie authors. They have no contract to avoid double taxes so guess who will get a smaller profit because of this law regulation? The indie author will pay 30% of his profit if he lives in a country with bad financial laws.

Trolls. Negative people will try to ruin your sale with bad ratings or reviews, but unless the book is not rated with a mark of 3.00 incomplete rating, it will not affect the sale. Anyhow you can lose some customers.

Investing in bad editors, promotional sites, or bad cover creators. You need to invest money in your book, but what if editing is not good even if it is paid, if the cover looks bad or if you invest in promotion hundred dollars and you have only a few sold books? That is the entrepreneur's risk and you must deal with that.

Continuity. The algorithm will note how often are your sales. This is a pain in the ass for every indie author. One month you sold 10 copies, another month is without sold books. Then, you have no KENP reads or nobody bought your paperback. There is no guarantee that someone will buy your book every day. 

Losing profit. I could compare book sales with gambling in the casino. You will invest twenty dollars in a promotional site and you will be sold ten books, It is not even half of your investment if you count taxes. Also, if you offer your book on promo sites, many of them will ask you to make your price lower than regular, so you are losing money.

Fake promises and frauds. Unfortunately, some people will promise to buy your book, but they will not do it. You can always check your Kindle report. 

Being patient and persistent is the only advice I can give. Researching all the ways of selling books made me creative. Just, I stick to one rule: I am not beggaring around. This is a matter of dignity, I want people to read my books because they are attracted to something, not because my books are one or two dollars priced.


Eva Pasco said…

Well-said! The right readers will come along.
WJLongIII said…
Great article. The tax information was especially eye opening. Also, trying to find the right avenues to help market a book is exceptionally challenging. Thank you for your hard work here.

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