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Why are insults a bottom of communication?

Everyone gets angry. Me, too. I am swearing, using bad words when I get angry. This is a chemical reaction that is stronger than mine, and I can’t help with this. If you ask me, are there results in this kind of communication, the answer is no. Well, if you ask me, will I do it again, I would say yes. The reason insults are bottom of communication is simple. If someone pushes me to this level that I use insults, I just showed my weakness. It means I can’t control my reactions and words, and my provocateur is winning. Recently someone offended me. I returned his favor, but this conflict is not over. It looks like an endless fight where is no winner. It is more painful because I believed in that person. I had trust in him; we shared our life stories. Now, our communication is based on insults. Who will handle more, or who has dirtier imagination? If this is a battlefield, bullets would fly around. I always had a low opinion about men who insult me, especially if I were n

Who are male gold diggers?

I f you see the word "gold digger", the first vision is a woman. She is young, beautiful, and an opportunist. She wishes to find a rich man who will take care of her expenses so she will not need to work. It is not a rarity that some young women fight for the older man who is rich, because they wish to live a comfortable life. What would you say about a man in this role? I am not talking about gigolos who ask for payment for sexual service. I talk about men who marry rich women for money. Recently a person X said to me he will marry.  He described his intention with these words: "My girlfriend is driving BMW. She is from a rich family. I wish to travel around so this is my plan." "How about love?" - I asked. "I respect her. Love is... something else." He shamelessly admitted that he will marry for money. He will be a gold digger. A man who marries for money and wealth, without love is the opportunist. She loves me, so wh

Would you date a guy with a bad breath?

Imagine that you are dating a guy. He is humorous, handsome, sweet, and well-mannered. A perfect match. Then it comes the moment to kiss him. He comes close to you, and you smell his breath. He is an owner of bad breath. The meat, garlic, onion, whatever smells so bad, and the romance vanishes. All sparks which were bursting are not here anymore. All you remember is bad breath. Now here is the question: Should you tell him that his breath smells so bad? It irritates you, and you hope he will use gum, menthol, or breath cleaner. If this is the first date, this impression is not good. Bad hygiene is not a turn-on. If you tell him what is bothering you, he might get ashamed . Or he will complain that you are rude. Or he will leave. Or he will apologize. If you don’t say, he will continue to smell bad on the next date.  If you wish to see him again, he will not change his habits.  Accept me as I am , he will say. Your romance will turn in. They could have a bad smell. I thi

I will kill you in my dream - by Kristina Gallo

This is YA supernatural horror story. Helena just wanted to live like an ordinary teenager. She was a victim of the wrong education system in ex Yugoslavia.  The trauma destroyed her youth but as compensation, she got the unexpected power. Just, her dreams turn into nightmares which became true. Nothing will be the same after unexpected events, things will go in an undesirable direction and she could not control it. My story is based on real events and you can find it on Amazon, an e-book, and a paperback edition. From the preview: It was a curse for young people in Croatia. Even if you were only sixteen, you could find a way to get a beer. You could smoke and get laid. What was funny was you couldn’t stay late if your parents decided. So, your curfew was generally 12:00 a.m. This club would close at midnight, as the city did not issue licenses to work later, and your parents would take you home

Why are male friends a better option?

You need a shoulder for crying? You need an honest comment about how you look today? You want to share a secret without a fear that someone else will know? Tell it to your male buddy. I am not kidding. If you have or you had a male buddy, you are a lucky woman. Unless he feels more about you then you have a problem. Male-female friendship is possible and stronger than a friendship between two females. I will tell you differences which give an advantage to a man instead of a woman’s friend. Your male friend will never get jealous of you. You will not fight with him because you might like the same guy. You can talk to him about topics which women don’t like: football, cars, kickboxing. He will give you aim advice about other men. You can swear with him without getting his judgment. If he gets married and has kids, he will still pay attention to you because he is his friend. Unfortunately, a woman’s nature might be double-faced, evil, and competitive. Aft

Why is wrong to be happy with small things?

Do you know the statement “be happy with small things if you can’t get big things”? Someone who was not ambitious made this like comfort for all frustrations and unfilled wishes. The modest person will say that you need to be happy: Because you are alive. Because you have no health problems. Because you have a meal and a warm shelter. I agree with this because everyone starts with a basic thing, and we should appreciate what we have. Just appreciation doesn’t mean that you don’t have to go further. If that satisfaction with small things stop you from progress, this statement is wrong and your obstacle to success. If you live in your safe cage and never travel out of your city you are happy but you will always wonder: “What if?” Imagine that you changed your life, but this means a risk, step forward from your comfort zone, and maybe a danger? If you are not ambitious and aware of the risk, you will stay safe, but your full potential will be undefined. Once my f

How to (not) promote yourself?

I know that many people wish to get success online. It doesn’t matter if you are a blogger, author, musician, or motivational speaker, you want to promote yourself, get noticed by many people, and sell your work. It fills the path to success with thorns. People might ignore you, mock you, laugh at you, but you hold ahead up and mind your business. I know many successful people were victims of bullies and abuse and they got used to the bad treatment. The point is, you wish that people get you serious. I am not famous, but I met many arrogant people who think they are celebrities and they wish that others crawl when they appear. Here I am talking about mistakes that arrogant people do when they promote themselves. I got the next message. “ Hello, I am an author and I need likes on my page. You might like my book and your friends should like it too. Maybe you purchase it.”  So, this is a manifestation of egoism and narcissism, without asking how he can help me, and what h