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Why do you owe a dog?

I am walking during my lunch pause. Step by step, I am walking and I almost stood at dog poop. This path is full of dog poop, which I can't avoid, but it opens wide my eyes. If I cross on the other side, there are people with dogs. That dogs are without a leash and I must be careful. The world is full of dogs and people who use them as a tool of power, a blanket for loneliness, and as medication for frustration. I have nothing against dogs, as long they don't bite me. If you have a house, you need a dog against burglars. If you live in a flat, that is different. What do you think about it, is your dog barking too much? What do other people in this building say? The point is, most people don't care about others' rights and opinions. This is my dog, and he is in my flat so I will do what I want. Imagine you get up at work early, but the dog barks at night because his owner left. Or he is hungry, or mad.  These are some people's reactions when y

You are rejected - so what?

In your life, people will reject you. They will say NO because there is no spot for you in someone's life. It happens. People are like in a puzzle game, sometimes you are the piece that doesn't fit in. Your attitude matters. It is not the same as how you accept rejection.  If you yell, scream or treat with revenge, you are childish. If you cry or beg, you are desperate. If you swallow this in silence and don't look back, you are mature. During life, you will lose business opportunities. You will lose partners for relationships. You will lose friends. Even if you are very smart and exquisite, there will always be someone who will say NO. Do you think you can have every man if you are a beautiful woman? You are wrong. Rejection doesn't have to be in NO form, always.  This is also NO between lines: I want you, but only temporarily and sometimes. I want you, but only in my bed. I want you, but only as a second choice.

Can you offer some magic in the relationship?

The relationship should start with positive vibes. If you are constantly nagging, talking about your issues or your mood is bad, your partner will have a burden. During development, this relationship will have obstacles, but it should not be at the start. Flavio fell in love with Laura because she did not judge him. She was smiling, looking at him, her feelings burst in the silence. Flavio was a playboy, and women did not get him seriously. Laura thought this at first sight, but she gave him a chance. These steps were slow but progressive. Flavio saw a woman full of energy even though she had a lot of problems. She has the strength, and this attracted him. Start with butterflies. Sparks are important, so if you feel it, just let yourself relax. Falling in love is like a jump in the water if you are afraid you will be clumsy, under stress, and full of fear. Stop wondering what will be and why the previous relationship went wrong.  Offer some magic, because life

Are you in the state of emotional fixation?

Do you know the feeling when you wish to be with someone, but it is not possible? The reasons might be various. He is at a big distance. He is not single. He doesn't love you back. The conclusion is the same. He can't be your partner. Despite all the obstacles, you still want him. I obsess you with the thought to be with him, even for a short. If you can get only a moment, it would make you happy. Emotional fixation is a state when you focus on a certain person, but you know that is only an illusion that will not turn into reality. Making a dream with open eyes is your escape from the daily routine.  Why you are doing this? You feel alone even you are in a relationship. Your life did not justify your expectations. You have a strong imagination. You can be alone with yourself. The object of emotional fixation is a person you like. In your imagination, he is a hero with a magic stick who will make all things perfect.  Emotional fixati

Make your plans in silence

The most successful person is the one who put a curtain over her plans. Nobody knew what is going on, and suddenly stroke of luck hit her.  For sure you heard about the spell of jealousy.  If you say to someone that you like a guy, bad energy can ruin your possible relationship.  If you talk about a business opportunity, envy can ruin this at the start. I know, it is hard to be quiet when you get a chance to make your life better. You want to share happiness with someone, you want to talk about what is going on. Imagine that you have a chance to be with the love of your life, and suddenly it blew. Your confident person will ask what happened to your prince and you will have one problem more. The things others don't know can't hurt you. Maybe you were dumped by someone and nobody knows. Maybe you failed at your work task and nobody knows. Your failures should stay buried and let success make a noise by itself. Making plans in silence have an advantag

What to do when a guy ignores you?

Ignorance is the sister of disrespect. It closely relates to them. If a person ignores you, it means you are not worthy of their time. It happens to everyone.  Don't believe it when someone says "I am busy", as an excuse. Yes, we are all busy, and we live with a busy schedule, but the day is long 24 hours and during this time we made priorities. So, guess are you on the priority list if someone ignores you a day, week, or month? The answer is no. When you wish to hear news from someone or stay in contact, you will make an attempt. It means you will use any reason to stay in contact.  When you don't wish to stay in contact, you will do an excuse. Everything will be more important to you. Even your cat's crap in the basket will be on the priority list before a person you wish to ignore. Girls will often ask what to do when a guy who is their crush ignores them? Girls, you need to know, that some guys will never break up with you. Some of

It is better to be alone than with fake friends

Some people love to live in illusion. Nobody comes to your birthday party? Don't pity yourself, if you are alone, you are in good company. On the other hand, imagine that 10 people come to your birthday, and none of them isn't loyal. Dubravka organized a birthday in a coffee bar.  She gathered ten girls to celebrate her 18th birthday. They came with gifts and she paid for them for drinks. Those were her guests. Until she was unpacking gifts, they talked to each other and neglected Dubravka. One of the girls, Simona, was the center of attention because her ex-boyfriend Robert entered the bar.  "Oh, look who is here. Your ex, Simona." girls murmured. "What are you doing here?" Robert approached the table, without greeting Dubravka. Simona blushed and covered her face with palms. The unpleasant silence filled the air. Robert took a deep sigh and said: "So, have fun. " The rest of the evening girls were talking about Rob