When you are reading a book, you will wonder how the story develops. Did the author know from the start how the story will look alike?
Two types of authors who writing stories:
Plotters - they know how the will story looks from the start to the end
Pantsers - they are spontaneous and have ideas, but they don't know how will story develop and what will be the end
I am the second type. Writing a new book for next year, I have 6.500 words and shaped characters, but I don't know many things. I don't know the end, what will be the plot, or whether will there be new characters and surprises are possible.
I am walking on the street and suddenly new ideas come to my mind, and then I am writing a draft, a reminder of what I will write next.
It happens I am deleting some sentences when I see a logical error, and some things are not matching. Sometimes I am in a trap, there is a void in my story. When the bulb turns on, I know how to get out of it.
All my books are written in this way.
What is common to my stories:
I love stories on a real basis. I don't have fairies, vampires, or monsters.
I love erotic scenes. It gave passion to the book.
I love adrenaline. The slow-burning story is not for me.
My characters are women with strong attitudes, villains, and people from the margins of society.
My place of action is usually an exotic location.
Someone dies. I focus on motives, to justify the death of my character.
A fatal woman keeps the story dynamic. The seductress, rebellious woman, black sheep.